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HOME > Career > HR Policies
HR Policies
We are waiting for ambitious and passionate talents to join us in creating the future with DFOCUS
Our HR Philosophy
We address each other as 'Teacher' out of mutual respect among colleagues.
We prioritize people and lead change and innovation based on a strong organizational culture.We conduct training to nurture talents with technical
and business expertise and support voluntary learning through a learning organization.
Compensation System
We evaluate individual development, leadership, and teamwork, based on contributions to the company, in determining salary and incentives.
We also provide various benefits and welfare programs.
Recruitment Process
The recruitment process may vary depending on the position, so please refer to the individual job postings for detailed information.
(for experienced positions)
We review resumes or portfolios to assess if they meet the qualifications for the respective positions.
We assess applicants' practical skills and capabilities based on their application forms.
During executive interviews, we comprehensively evaluate applicants' character, qualities, and abilities.
We conduct negotiations for employment terms and arrange health examinations for new hires.
Upon final acceptance, you become part of DepoFocus's talent pool.
Employment Inquiry
Do you have any questions about job opportunities?
Please fill out the form below with your inquiries, and our team will contact you shortly.
304, Hanla Sigma Valley, 51, Seongsui-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul
Tel : 02-3452-3900 I Fax : 02-556-1269